How to Protect your Tent Warm

Many people love camping but are held back by the cold that flogs their skin and keep their teeth grating all night long. Camping has always been among the most practiced recreation practiced all over the world.

Statistics show that many people get the common cold from camping. However, these statistics have not reduced the number of people who engage in camping and enjoy the warm feelings that come with such tent camping. You too can enjoy camping without getting cold by using the techniques outlined here to keep your tent warm. With these tips, you can camp without the need to light a fire that might turn out disastrous.

It is important to point that there are no known easy ways you can keep your tent warm during your camping expeditions. If you decide to make a fire to keep out the chilly cold, stay awake all night. This will help you watch the fire to make sure everything remains alright. The risk of having your camping tent burnt down by fire could be far greater than the joy camping brings.

Keeping your camping tent warm is one important thing you must do, especially when you are camping alone. Here, we will teach you how best to make sure you keep your tent warm using some of the most practical tips.

Make sure you go with very dry sleeping bags

Keeping your sleeping bag dry is one very important step you must take to make sure you stay warm while you camp. When you camp with wet sleeping bags, the bag will have to dry itself out by drawing heat from any available source, which in this case is your body. This heat drawn from your body will further increase the cold you feel while sleeping on a wet camping bag.

Another way a cold bag will contribute to how cold you feel during camping is by letting in more air into your tent. Cold makes your sleeping bag loosen up, and the more loosened up the bag is, the more cold breeze blows into your tent. Some people use a synthetic bag as an alternative to the down sleeping bag. This synthetic sleeping bag is made with a waterproofed material and will not loosen up when it is wet. A dry sleeping bag will serve as a thermal insulator, lower the cold that enters your body, serve as a sleeping bag, and disconnect your body from the cold floor.

Make sure you have dry sleeping clothes

If you put on a wet sleeping cloth when camping, you will no doubt have more cold to deal with. Having dry sleeping bags won’t keep you warm unless you also have very dry clothes. Your dry clothes will go a long way to ensure the warmth in your camping tent.

If there is one material, you must avoid while you camp, it is the cotton material. This is because every cotton material tends to draw out of your body when you wear them. Wearing a head warmer and a good pair of socks will help keep you warm since some parts like your ears feel the cold more than others. Wearing a hat that covers your ears, such as a thick beanie will help you stay warm while you camp.

As you work hard to keep away the cold and stay warm, you should also try to keep insects away by using the right insect repellants. Nothing is more infuriating than hearing that faint buzz of a mosquito or fly when camping in your tent. It is even more discomforting when you can’t find the insect making the buzzing sound. You need dry sleeping clothes because they will help keep you protected as you wrap the clothes around you, dry head warmers that keep your ears covered will minimize the cold, the socks will ensure your feet remain warm and the dry clothes will make sure your body is disconnected from the ground.

Use as many layers of dry clothing as you can to separate yourself from the ground

If you are a regular camper, you must have discovered that the layer of clothes and mat between you and the ground plays an important role in determining how warm you feel when camping under your tent. The ground naturally draws lots of heat from your body, thus the need to make sure you increase the layers of materials between you and the wet ground. You can increase the layers between you and the ground with a foil blanket, wool blankets, and several spare clothes. You need these increased layers to reduce the amount of heat drawn from your body by the cold ground. These base layers also provide you with a much thicker sleeping pad.

Make sure you go camping with your hot water bottle

You can generate more heat by taking a hot water bottle with you without the need to make any fire. How taking a hot water bottle along will keep you warm may not be obvious. But there are results from researches that prove that keeping a bottle of hot water near your body parts that have arteries close to the skin will help keep you warm. Always ensure you keep your bottle of hot watertight enough to ensure no hot water spills on you and cause you some skin burn and irritations.

Make sure you don’t sleep naked

This point has generated some controversies. While some believe campers should never sleep naked, others believe you can sleep naked while camping so long as you have some layers of clothing materials around you. However, experiences have shown that keeping base layers won’t prevent the cold when you wake up to pee in the middle of the night. So, suffice it to say that wearing the right clothes while you camp will help keep you warm.

Make sure you exercise before you sleep

The greatest heat generator you have when camping is your body. But how you generate heat from your body is one question you should pay attention to. Exercising before you sleep is one way you can keep your body warm while you camp. Some ways you can exercise while you camp include taking a brisk walk near your camping tent or doing some light jogging if you need to generate more heat. Engaging in the right physical exercises is one natural way to keep your body warm all through the night while in your camping tent.

Final Words

To sum it all up, make sure you wear dry clothes, provide yourself with base layers, go with dry sleeping bags and exercise before sleep.

 Taking these points into consideration will ensure you stay warm for as long as you camp. However, you must also make sure you have the right tent made from the best materials, choose an appropriate location and mind what you eat. The right tent made from the strongest wind-resistant fabrics will reduce the amount of breeze that blows into your tent. The right location will minimize the cold you feel at night while in your tent while the right foods will keep you warm from within.

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